One-Punch Man: Every S-Class Hero Ranked

one punch man s heroes Anime / Manga

The story or “One-Punch Man” centers around the protagonist, Saitama, a superhero who can defeat any opponent with a single punch. As incidents are solved in an instant when Saitama arrives, it is the S-class heroes who are practically doing the hard work before his arrival.

This article will introduce a list of such S-class heroes ranked, and delve deeper into their definitions and strength!

What are S-class heroes in One-Punch Man?

17 top heroes who can fight against disaster level “Demon” single-handedly

S-class heroes are the 17 top heroes certified by the Hero’s Association who are capable of single-handedly defeating monsters of disaster level “Demon”. In this world, the danger level of monsters is divided into 5 disaster levels.

  • Disaster level “Wolf”: Any potential threat that poses a danger to an unknown degree.
  • Disaster level “Tiger”: Any threat to a large number of people.
  • Disaster level “Demon”: Any threat to a city and its people.
  • Disaster level “Dragon”: Any threat to multiple cities.
  • Disaster level “God”: A threat endangering the survival of humanity in general.

What is required of an S-class hero is “fighting ability. No matter how bad your conduct or personality is, if you are strong, you will be certified as an S-class hero.

The Story of the Birth of the S-class Hero

When the Hero’s Association was established, there were three ranks of heroes from A to C.

The A to C ranks were determined not only by combat power, but also by assessment criteria set by the association, such as contribution to the association, etc. The system was based on the idea that those who were deemed “excellent” would move up rather than those who were “strong”.

One day, however, the Hero’s Association realized that there were people who could single-handedly defeat monsters of disaster level “Demon” or higher, which could only be dealt with by a group of A-class heroes.

Because they generally did not stick to their ranks (they were troublemakers), they were not evaluated according to the standards set by the association and were buried in the lower ranks.

The association, finding it difficult to secure such rare talents under the conventional assessment standards, newly established the “S-class” as a special quota dedicated to combat ability.

Incidentally, although there are rankings within the S-class, they are based on the degree of contribution to the association and do not represent pure combat ability.

S-Class Heroes Ranked from One-Punch Man

No. 1: Blast

one punch man character blast

Blast is a mysterious man who is a hero of his own free will. Even the Hero’s Association does not know what he is up to and is unable to contact him, let alone order him to do so. It seems that he has gathered his own group of friends and is secretly fighting against “God”.

No. 2: Tornado of Terror (Tatsumaki)

one punch man character tatsumaki

She has super-powerful psychic abilities that even a bunch of S-class heroes, except for Blast, are no match for her. She looks like a loli girl, but her age is 28. She has a younger sister, Fubuki of Hell, who is ranked No. 1 in B-class.

No. 3: Silver Fang (Bang)

one punch man character silver fang

Silver Fang is an old and skilled martial artist who wields the Fist of Flowing Water, Crushed Rock. He is outstanding in pure martial arts skills and is also the martial arts master of the human monster Garou. He is a leading figure in the hero world, and even Tatsumaki takes a shine to him.

No. 4: Atomic Samurai (Kamikaze)

one punch man character atomic samurai

Atomic Samurai is a samurai hero with unparalleled swordsmanship. He calls himself a hard-boiled humanist, but in reality he is a short-tempered and difficult old man. His three students are among the top A-Class Heroes.

No. 5: Child Emperor (Isamu)

one punch man character child emperor

He serves as the association’s chief strategist and is a hard worker who organizes the difficult S-class members, while only being 10 years old. He fights with the help of his many inventions, but in fact his basic physical abilities are far beyond those of ordinary people.

No. 6: Metal Knight (Dr. Bofoi)

one punch man character metal knight

Metal Knight manipulates robots by remote control to act as a hero. Although he is conspicuous for his suspicious behavior, his contributions to the association, such as strengthening the headquarters and rebuilding the city, are immeasurable.

No. 7: King

one punch man character king

King, the strongest man on earth. He is feared by both friend and foe alike for his vicious appearance and power. He has no actual fighting skills and is only mistakenly thought to be strong by those around him, but his aura is so overwhelming that no one but Saitama can see his true strength.

No. 8: Zombieman

one punch man character zombie man

Although his fighting skills are mediocre, he has the immortality to heal completely in a few minutes no matter what kind of fatal wound he receives. He is an adult man with common sense, which is rare for an S-class.

No. 9: Drive Knight (Zero)

one punch man character drive knight

A mono-eye cyborg hero who wears an armor that changes as he uses his Tactical Transformations, which allows him to morph into useful forms, such as a motorbike, fighter jet, and large humanoid robot. He calls Metal Knight evil and sees him as an enemy, but he himself has many suspicious aspects…

No. 10: Pig God

one punch man character pig god

He eats and digests his enemies, stores his allies inside his body, and swallows anything and everything. He seems to have the ability to consume fat and heal his allies, and when he loses weight, he is actually quite handsome.

No. 11: Superalloy Blackluster

one punch man character Superalloy Blackluster

His power and physical strength are outstanding even among S-class fighters. On the other hand, he is mentally weak and can only fight opponents weaker than himself.

No. 12: Watchdog Man

one punch man character Watchdog Man

Watchdog Man is a mysterious man who wears a dog costume. He sticks to his territory in Q City. Though willing to brutalize human attackers, he notably holds back and does not go for the kill, instead beating Garou down until he escaped Q-City’s limits.

No. 13: Flashy Flash

one punch man character flashy flash

Flashy Flash, the fastest man in the S-class. He is a former member of the Ninja Village’s 44th graduation class, and fights using tremendous speed and swordsmanship to cut down his opponents.

No. 14: Demon Cyborg (Genos)

one punch man character Demon Cyborg Genos

Genos is a cyborg hero, and in the work, he is getting more and more powerful by replacing and remodeling parts. He is the disciple and best friend of Saitama who seeks to become stronger to kill a rogue cyborg that killed his parents four years ago.

No. 15: Tank-Top Master

one punch man character tank top master

He is the head of the Tank Topper Army and uses the Tank-Top fighting style. He has an odd belief that true power comes from tank tops, as seen when he observes Bang dominating Metal Bat in their sparring match, he concludes that the secret to Bang’s power is that he has a tank top hidden underneath.

No. 16: Metal Bat (Bad)

one punch man character metal bat

Metal Bat is an old-type yankee hero. He uses his natural fighting sense and indomitable spirit to defeat monsters with his metal bat. Despite his brash attitude, he still has a soft side in him when it comes to his sister, Zenko, who he treats very well and spoils to an extent.

No. 17: Puri-Puri Prisoner

one punch man character Puri Puri Prisoner

Puri-Puri Prisoner is usually in prison and escapes only when there is an incident. He is a strong Hero and usually a decent person, but chooses to live in prison lest he harass good-looking boys.
